Thursday, June 23, 2011

Preparing for our Move

I've probably mentioned we're moving to a new house on July 7th.  Moving day is fast approaching, and we've been packing up all our stuff.

Okay, so we had to unpack some of those boxes.  But our living room really is full of boxes and patio furniture that we got at a great price for the new house but currently have nowhere to put.  What does this mean to you?  I barely have space to walk, let alone try and pull out my sewing machine.  Not to worry, though!  The new house has a spare room where I'll be setting up shop for crafting!

In the meantime, I've taken back up crocheting.  I haven't done it in years, but it requires minimal space, so I'm working on an afghan to match our new color scheme.

I haven't gotten very far.  Don't judge.
Again, I apologize for the lack of posts (or at least quality ones).  Try and hang in there with me until the move. ;)

Until next time, happy crafting!



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