Monday, June 6, 2011

Tutorial: Slide On Dog Collar Bandana

Recently I showed you how to make a cute felt flower dog collar embellishment for your pooch, but you might remember way back in December when I first came up with the flower idea that I told you I'd been making bandanas to slide over my dog's collar for a few years.

We've never been able to get bows to stay on our Pomeranian, Monica.  They just drive her crazy and she paws them off her head.  For awhile we tried tying bandannas around her neck and that didn't bother her, but they fell off easily.  That's when we had the idea to sew them with a little tube at the top so they slide right over her collar.  This solves the problem of them falling off and getting lost.

They stay in place and they look adorable on a boy or girl dog, so I thought you'd like to know how to make a slide-over-the-collar dog bandanna for your puppy.  It's a great way to use up scrap fabric, it only takes about 15 minutes and it's super easy.  I've made it even easier by creating the template for you!  So join me after the jump to learn how to make your own dog collar bandana.

P.S.  Did you know you can spell "bandana" with one or two N's?  Bandana or bandanna is acceptable according to  Weird, right?  Okay...on with the tutorial. :)

  • Dog Collar Bandana Pattern (For a toy breed dog the pattern should be the correct size.  For a larger dog feel free to copy/paste the image into Word and resize as needed.)
  • Scrap fabric or fat quarter
Step 1:

Use the pattern to cut out your fabric.

Once your fabric is cut, fold in the two parallel edges about 1/4 inch each.  Iron and pin.

Step 2:

Sew down the two parallel edges.

Step 3:

Now take the two triangular points and fold the fabric in half so that right sides are facing together.  Iron and pin in place.

Step 4:

 Sew down the triangular edges, but do not sew down the parallel edges. (The parallel edges are how you'll flip the bandanna right side out and where you'll later slide the collar through.)

Step 5:

Flip the bandanna right side out.  You may want to cut the tip before doing this, although I didn't and it didn't seem to make a big difference.  Once the bandana is flipped, iron the seams.

Step 6:

Sew a straight line from point A to point B (see picture below).  You can use a regular stitch, but it might be fun and cute to use a zig-zag stitch or play with some of your decorative stitches if your machine has any.

Step 7:

Sew along the top fold as close to the edge as possible (from point C to point D in picture below).  This will just ensure that the fold doesn't go anywhere, especially after washing the bandanna (which with a dog I'm sure you'll have to do!).

Now slide it over your dog's collar. And viola!  You're all done. 

Take your dog out on the town so everyone can see how cute she looks.

Or whip up a few more in a jiff! :)

Happy sewing!



  1. Thank you for this great tutorial!! I found it on pinterest, and now I have made my own! I will be doing a post on my blog about this, and will definitely give you credit!

    1. I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for the exposure! :)

    2. will liquid stitch work since I don't have a sewing machine

  2. Thanks for the this tutorial! This was so quick to make. I had to enlarge it quite a bit, but it worked out very well. What a great idea.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the tutorial! And you're right--they're so simple to make. Once you figure it out you can make a different one for every day of the week, it seems!

    2. How did you enlarge it? I'm trying to but I can't get it to enlarge on my printer.

  3. This is great! I added a bottom hole to center back for easy leash attachment. Thanks for easy directions and pattern.

    1. What an excellent idea! I make mine just small enough that I can still use the hook on her collar without the hole, but I imagine if you wanted to make the collar bigger that the hole would be helpful! :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Hi - I am trying to dowload the pattern but I am having trouble? Your projects are wonderful ...

    1. Hi! Thanks for your compliment! I'm sorry you're having trouble downloading the pattern. I'm not sure what the problem is--I followed the link and was able to download it. If you're comfortable sharing your email address I can certainly email it to you as an attachment. You can send me an email at mseaber(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll send the attachment back to you.

      Thanks for reaching out!

  6. LOVE!!!! Sharing this on my blog for National Craft for your Local Shelters Day inspiration. I hope you'll join us! =)

    Erika and Sebastian

  7. I love your idea! (but not a good safety idea to show your phone number online, sweetie, on your doggie's collar tag.)

  8. Great tutorial! Are you okay with these being sold by a rescue to raise funds for their dogs in need? Thanks!

    1. Of course! Feel free to use this tutorial for charity. I'd be honored! Please let me know how it goes. :)

  9. Just what I've been looking for. So cool. Am making one as a surprise for my friend. Actually, for her dog:-)

  10. Hi....could you possibly give dimensions for the pattern??? I cannot print this and am trying to do it by looking at my dogs collar size. Thanks!

    1. The diagonal lines are about 5" each, and the straight edges are about 3" each. :)

  11. I love the blue fabric in the first picture! Do you remember what the print is called?

    1. Unfortunately I don't remember what the fabric is called! I did get it at Jo-Ann's in the quilting aisle, though. Very affordable. Maybe they still have it? Good luck! :)

  12. Thanks so much for this, let me tell you my Husband got me a sew machine from San Valentine and my Birthday(Feb 13) lol and this was my first project and I thing it go pretty well! I make it for my cat he looks adorable, my husband said that he look like a cowboy lol :)Again Thanks for all the easy steps and instructions!

    1. Congratulations on your new sewing machine! I'd love to see pictures of the bandana if you're interested in sharing! I love to see what people create from my patterns.

      Good luck with your future projects! :)

  13. Is there way to print this pattern without the pictures?

    1. If you download the pattern directly from my Google Documents file, you shouldn't have any other pictures. You can access the file here:

      If you continue to have problems, let me know and I can email you the file. Good luck!

  14. I love your pattern. I have made several bandanas for my little maltese. What size do I need to enlarge the pattern to for a boxer? Also how do I enlarge it?

    1. I would like to know the answer to this as well. I would like to make small, medium and large bandana's but am not sure of the sizes.

  15. Hi! I used your blog post for inspiration to make my dog a bandana and then featured it on my blog! The post will go live this Friday, Nov. 15th. My blog is if you would like to visit it!

  16. i think I am being really slow here but could you point me in the direction of the actual pattern with measurements etc? I can only see the pictures - im being a little blonde lol

  17. Thank you for this post! I am a beginner sewer and this has been a great project to start with. Your step by step directions are clear and I like the flexibility of the pattern. Some day, when I get better at sewing, I will feature this on my blog and give you kudos. =)

  18. I have small dogs. I just bought large cloth napkins in Christmas and flag patterns, cut in half, and stitched the tube along the long end to slip the collar through. The other two sides were already hemmed for me!

  19. Hi Madison, I made a bandana for my dog using your tutorial. Thank you so much. I really enjoyed your simple technique and it gives such a professional finish! Check out my blog post about it if you like:

    Thanks again! Becky

  20. Your tutorial is wonderful in pictures and step by step description. But how can I get your pattern? Thank You!

  21. href="">


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